BKT Copper Busbar Designs

Electrical Panels Copper Lama Designs and Designs

BKT Copper Busbar Designs

Copper busbars are copper strips used to transmit electric current in electrical panels. Three-dimensional design is the digital modeling and design of these panels or copper bars in a three-dimensional environment.


During this design process, the dimensions, location, assembly and other details of the panel or copper bars are determined using CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software. This way, designers can better understand how the board or copper bars will look in the real world, how they will work, and how they will be assembled. This design process is important to increase the functionality of the product, reduce assembly errors and reduce production costs.

ExplanationApplicable Qualification
Trademark PNL Kabin
According to Place of Use LV Power Distribution Equipment
Place of Use Indoor & Outdoor Environments
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